Angular JS 5.0.0 & 5.1.0 Versions

Angular JS 5.0.0 version was released in Nov 2017, pentagonal-donut. This is a major release containing new features and bug fixes. This release continues the focus on making Angular smaller, faster, and easier to use.
Build Optimizer
  • As of 5.0.0, manufacturing builds created with the CLI will now follow the construct optimizer by means of default.
  • A built optimizer is a tool included in our CLI for making your bundles smaller using our semantic understanding of your Angular application.

The build optimizer has two main jobs:
  • The first job is to mark parts of the software as pure; this improves the tree shaking provided by using the prevailing equipment, eliminating extra parts of the software that aren’t needed.
  • The second activity the build optimizer does is to put off Angular decorators from utility’s runtime code. Decorators are utilized by the compiler, and aren’t wanted at runtime and may be eliminated. Each of these jobs decreases the dimensions of your JavaScript bundles and increases the boot speed of application for the customers.

Internationalized Number, Date, and Currency Pipes:

Replace the ReflectiveInjector with StaticInjector
Replacing ReflectiveInjector with StaticInjector is done in order to remove more polyfills. This type of injector does not require the Reflect polyfill, reducing utility length for most builders.
A version 5.1.0 of Angular JS was released in Dec 2017. This is a release containing several smaller features and bug fixes. They are also releasing v1.6 of the Angular CLI, and the first stable release of Angular Material.
New about Angular JS 5.1.0 version is
·         Angular Material & CDK Stable Release
·         Service Worker support in the CLI
·         Improved Universal Support in the CLI
·         Improved decorator error messages
·         Typescript 2.5 support

Starting with this release, Angular Material will be following the same SemVer philosophy as Angular, with main versions of Angular Material and Angular CDK liberating on the identical time as foremost versions of the relaxation of the platform. Patch releases will observe a weekly cadence, while minor characteristic releases turn into available as features are finished.


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