1. What is SAPUI5?
A. Just like any other HTML5 customer-aspect rendering library SAPUI5 is likewise one. SAPUI5 strictly follows RIA (Rich Internet Application) standards. It is primarily based on JavaScript which affords a light-weight programming version for computer in addition to mobile applications.

2. What Control Libraries is Used for Ui5 Application Development?
A. The below are the control libraries that are used for Ui5 Application Development:
·         Sap.Ui.Commons
·         Sap.Ui.Table
·         Sap.Suite.Ui libraries for Computer application development and
·         Sap.M and Sap.Ui.Layout libraries for Fiori Application Development.
3. How Navigation Works In Sapui5?
A. Sap uses two types of mechanisms, routing and Event Bus. Routing is specially used for bookmarking the URL. We define routing in component.js within the metadata. It also defines the navigation route and hash changer that's used on the runtime to exchange the URL of the specific display.
4. What is Component?
A. Component or Component.Js is the first factor of our software or we can say that it serves as index which encapsulates all our packages info i.e. View names, routing info, important view, programs kind(Full Screen or SplitApp), software carrier configuration and so on..

5. What all design patterns are recommended in SAPUI5?
A. The following are the design patterns that are recommended in SAPUI5:



Full Screen - Full Screen - MasterDetail (Multiflow pattern)


6. What All Events/life Cycle Are Available in Sapui5’s Views Controller?
A. There are four life cycles to be had in SAPUI5’s view controller, they are as follows:
·         OnInit () – it is called when the view is instantiated and its controls have already been created.
·         OnExit () this event is called when the view is destroyed.
·    OnAfterRendering () – this event is called when the view has been rendered and, therefore, its HTML is part of the document.
·        OnBeforeRendering () – It is known as before the controller view is re-rendered and not earlier than the primary rendering.
7. What Types Of Views Are Available In Sapui5?
A. There are 4 types of views available in sap ui5:
·         JS view
·         JSON view
·         XML view
·         HTML view
8. What Is Formatter In Sapui5?

A. If we need to perform some changes on the back end property data on the front end, in that case, we need to use formatter.

9. What Is Sapui5 Bootstrapping?
A. Sap Ui5 Bootstrapping is defined as loading and initializing the Sap Ui5 in any of the Html page. Themes and libraries are also defined in this.

10. Mention in how many ways you can bind data to your controls?
A. There are three methods where we can bind data to any controls.
·         Property
·         Element and
·         Aggregation Binding
11. Does Fragment Have Its Own Controller?
A. Fragments are created without controllers, they don’t have their own controllers they share controller of the view that's invoking it.

12. What are semantic colors in sap ui5?
A. They are representations of states such as success, warning, and error.

13. Name Some Semantic States In Sapui5?
A. The following are some semantic states in Sap Ui5:
·         Positive
·         Negative
·         Critical

14. How Can You Compose Filters In Sapui5?
A. We can compose filters in Sapui5 in the following ways:
·         By creating a couple of filters and concatenating them both with AND or OR.
·     By developing a single sap.ui.model.Filter object and specifying a route, an operator, and up to 2 values.
15. Where Are Filters Applied In Sapui5?
A. Filters are applied to an Aggregation Binding in Sapui5.
16. What Are Dialogs In Sapui5?
A. The dialogs in Sapui5 are defined as:
·         They are rendered into a specific area in the DOM.
·         They need to be added to the “dependent” aggregation of the view to get access to the models.

17. What Is Openui5?
A. An Openui5 is described as:
·         A subset of SAPUI5 containing the entire core and more than 200 UI controls.
·         A free-to-use and open supply UI library equipped to your contributions.

18. What is a component within sap ui5?
A. An independent and reusable part that can be used to structure Sapui5 applications.

19. Which Options For Code Reuse Are Available In Sapui5?
A. The following are the options available in Sapui5 for code reuse:
·         Controller inheritance
·         Nested views
·         Fragments
20. What Is MVC?
A. MVC stands for model view controller; its architecture to design UI primarily based applications to obtain maximum re-usability and extensible of the software for future modifications. Model is the illustration of statistics in form of the item, View defines the UI and Controller consists of all of the logics to drive as well connects view with version.



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